Social Program:
What a memorable AGM!
Most of the participants did arrive on Wednesday, where we started with a delicious dinner at “Café del Centre”, one of the oldest restaurants in Barcelona
On Thursday we visited the Courthouse of Barcelona “Ciutat de la Justicia” and had a nice lunch at “Restaurant Espai nu”. After the seminars with Kroll’s presentation about ‘Key market trends and global opportunities’ and the presentation of Arnau Lasala on ‘Purchasing real estate in Spain / Setting up a company in Spain’, we had a very interesting dinner with wine pairings of local wines at “Vins & Co”, which included a presentation on each of the wines.
On Friday we visited the “Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya”, with its astonishing collection of romanesque art pieces of churches in the Pyrenees as well as of modern arts, guided by a true specialist. The lunch at “Boro Bar” was as tasty as the restaurant was nicely decorated, in particular for the tables in the ‘upper level’ The walking tour through the medieval part of Barcelona was truly mystical due to the super moon and, of course, very tasty too after trying the famous Churros.
However, the Paella cooking class thereafter was also unforgettable, where we also made Gazpacho, Crema Catalana, appetizers, tomato bread, and so on. It was great fun, to see so many lawyers working together and creating such delicious dishes, even those who rarely stand in (down under) kitchens (sorry, Philip Sim).
On Saturday we visited the wonderfully designed “Casa Milà of Gaudi”, followed by another tasty lunch in Ca la Nuri. Afterwards, some members went for shopping and came back smiling and carrying their shopping bags as happy as Carrie Bradshaw in ‘Sex and the City’. Others went to see the sea, took off their shoes and had cocktails or ice cream with good talks and thoughts. The farewell dinner at the “Windsor” was excellent and again, the waiters had to throw us out because we stayed too long.
We had alot of good talks and laughter during all these memorable days. We were as many as 27 participants and we enjoyed the company of each and every member, spouse and accompanying person.
Again thanks to Lasala and his team for their efforts, which were very much appreciated by all of us!