Social Program:
After most of the members have arrived Thursday evening we had a wonderful dinner with Fondue Chinoise on the top roof bar “Nectar” of the Hotel.
On Friday we had the seminar in Zug about Blockchain and Crypto-Technologies and their legal impact. Apart from our members, Zwicky and Riek invited roughly 30 guests from around Zug. The Mayor of Zug hold the opening speech, followed by Niten Chauhan, Ilona Grof of Crypto AG, Raj Unny (Indus Finch Group) and Juan Flores (Siemens Building and Technologies). The spouses had a exciting city tour. We went for Lunch at Intermezzo, a Creperie runned by mentally disabled persons.
In the afternoon we visited the seat of IAPL, being also the offices of Zwicky and Riek. Afterwads we drove to Chocolatier Aeschbach, before we had “uncomplicated” Pizza at “Mama Leone” back in Lucerne.
After the AGM Saturday Morning, we had an exciting city tour in Lucerne, followed by a splendid farewell dinner at “Drei Könige”, started with a surprising Jazz Band “Chetleg”, featuring Riek at the trompet.
After some drinks at the hotel bar, most of the members went back home on Sundays.
Zug and Lucerne welcomed us with sunny weater and quite warm conditions for beginning of November.
Rainer Riek, 5 November 2017