Social Program:
What a wonderful and succesfull AGM! Apart from being 21 members and including spouses over 30 participants, we were treated again as queens and kings as in 2007 in Hong Kong and 2012 in Beijing.
After most of the members having arrived Saturday we have had a bet on horse races on Sunday afternoon, followed by a very delicious dinner, organized and arranged for by Betty Cheng. We even managed to eat the head of the fish (thank you Marteen van der Wolf for taking over this difficult task).
Monday Morning we were guests of the court of final appeal, having been hosted by the Chief Justice himself. We even could have an insight in the room where the judges go for their deliberation.
After another tasty lunch we felt honoured to be guests of the esteemed Hong Kong Club, where our seminar about fraud took place (thanks to Emily Lam and Niten Chauhan for their interesting presentations). Afterwards we had the opportunity to listen to a presentation of Prof. Lawrence J. Lau about the current trade war between China and the US, which was utmost interesting. In the evening we went for another delicious dinner, followed by some drinks, good laughter and beer in local venues.
On Tuesday morning, Moses Cheng as chairman of the Insurance Authority of Hong Kong welcomed us for an insight in Hong Kong and Chinese initiatves, in particular with the focus on the Belt and Road Initiative, which showed us the long-term perspective of China in the Asian and European market.
Mary Huang took the spouses to the Tsz Shan Monastery, which was very much appreciated. Thank you!
The lunch was served in the Ocean Park, where we eat right in front of the amazing aquarium with sharks and stingray mantas all over. Afterwards we visited a cooking class and learnt how to cook proper sweet and sour and a vegetable dish. This most enjoyable happening was followed by a relaxing yacht (approximately 90 feet!) cruise in Hong Kong bay and a fantastic dinner at a seafood restaurant on Lamma Island.
Wednesday after the AGM there was free time in the afternoon for doing some shopping or just relaxing and enjoying Hong Kong. The concluding farewell dinner was again most delicious. Whilst the first participant already had to leave for their flights back home others enjoyed friendship within the IAPL family for some more hours.
Hong Kong welcomed us not only with nice weather but also the organisation was just perfect. Furthermore, the hosts and first of all of Lester Huang and Moses Cheng spoiled us, in particular with their generosity. Thanks again for this magnificent AGM!
2 November 2018
Lester Huang, President and Rainer Riek, Secretary