Social Program:
Our utmost thanks go to Sabine Krumme and her team and in particular to her brother, who supported her to arrange for such a wonderful meeting in Nurmberg, Germany.
We had not only a lot of good talks, laughs and enjoyed our camaraderie in the company but excellent food and most impressive visits of the Nurembeg trials.
Thursday, 2 May 2024 we started with a traditional German dinner at “WirtshausTucher- Bräuam Opernhaus”.
On Friday, 3 May 2023, we visited the “Memorium Nuremberg Trials” followed by Court Room 600 and Media Installation of the Trial, which was quite heavy cost. Afterwards, we had a guided tour of the “Justizpalast” by a Judge of the Higher Regional Court, followed by ”FränkischeTapas” (Franconian Tapas) at “Die Wirtschaft”. In the afternoon we visited the Old Town of Nuremberg. Our utmost thanks go to the cocktails hosted by Henseler & Partner Bar Brasserie Nitz (Hotel). The dinner “Globe Restaurant” was enjoyed very much.
Saturday, 4 May 2024, after the board meeting we had a seminar about “The client –the unknown Animal” of Stefan Günnewig, the husband of Krumme, who is the head legal of a German car supplier,TMDFrictionHoldings GmbH, followed by an presentation of Krumme “Overwiew of the German constitution and Jurisdiction”.
In the afternoon we had a private guided tour through the “HistorischeFelsengänge” (Nuremberg’s historic rock-but cellars), which was very impressive not only due to the pure size but of the historical meaning as beer cellars during the medieval times and during World War II, when Nuremberg was almost completely bombed but most of the inhabitants survived in the old beer cellars.
The farewell dinner at “Würzhaus” spoiled us with delicious food and wine from the region. It was another exceptional meeting of the IAPL but in many ways special. We will return to Nuremberg!
Nürnberg legal seminar, IAPL Spring Meeting 2024, Europe Legal Discussion, IAPL, IAPL legal discussions