Social Program:
After most of the members have arrived Thursday evening we had a wonderful dinner in the Restaurant Berzitello, serving tasty fish-food in the style of Sardegna, the second biggest island of Italy. On Friday we discovered Rome by Bus and just when we left the hotel, the sun came out and was giving us perfect company the whole day (thank you, Fabrizio for this special effort!). In the afternoon we visited the impressive forum romanum. On top of that we participated in a multimedia show, that “painted” on the ancient walls of Rome how it looked like 2’000 years ago. This was amazing to all of us. After that we had a marvelous time in the top roof restaurant of the Hotel Forum. After the AGM on Saturdy and the seminar on social media, where we had speech of the italien succursale Scholz and of Huang and Hendar (thank you for the interesting insights in this rather new but important channel for communication) we visited the Vatikan Museums (with probably the longest queue ever) and were impressed by the beauty of Michel Angelo’s work although we have learned that he probably was quite a let’s say strange guy. In the evening we had an excellent guide at case romane Celio and concluded by a dinner in the style of ancient roman cuisine. Some of us went to the holy mass on Sunday morning on St. Peter’s square in the attendance of the Pope Francis, which was very impressive in particular, the silence on that immense square with some hundred thousands of people.
Mille grazie to Fabrizio, his marvelous wife Marcella and his team for having arranged such a memorable AGM. There has never been an AGM attracting more members and spouses than this year in Rome!
RR, 8 Ottobre 2017